Chocolate Coconut Macadamia Nut Cookies

Chocolate Coconut Macadamia Nut Cookies

As I sat down to write this post, I exclaimed – oh, how I miss the sunshine! My husband turned and looked at me like I was crazy. Not because it’s abnormal for a person to miss sunshine, but it’s a little different for me. It might sound funny, but I love crisp, cold weather and I don’t mind overcast days. Maybe I got my fill of warm and sunny days from those years of living in Hawaii?

Chocolate Coconut Macadamia Nut Cookies

For whatever reason I missed the sunny weather today and I felt that I needed a pick me up to remind me of the tropics. One of the first things I thought about was a box of Hawaiian Host chocolate covered macadamia nuts. If you’ve ever been to Hawaii or if your grocer stocks products from the islands, you know what I mean when I say they are everywhere. Everywhere. Using these candies as an inspiration, I wanted to create a cookie that had the same flavors with coconut added for extra flair.

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